Thursday, January 19, 2012

Great man in japanese

In Japan, those who make ceramic art the main jobs are called a potter.
i intoroduceThe person who led ceramic art of Japan at the Edo period especially called the three  major person is a potter called Ninsei Nonomura.

It is said that Nonomura establishes the category called Kyoto ceramic ware, and the technology in a potter's wheel and splendid color were outstanding. 

The 2nd person's Kenzan Ogata It is told that it was a younger brother of a famous Japanese-style painter's korin ogata, and was moderate character contrastive with his brother.
There are many styles generous  a style  and free.

Kenzan Ogata

Although the 3rd person's Mokubei Aoki centered on the same Kyoto ceramic ware as ninsei nomura, it is known for having revived the traditional handicrafts called Kutaniyaki.
Although it had mainly left the masterpiece centering on the tea set, pictures, a china, etc. were playing an active part broadly.

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